Music theory and harmony : sitemap
- music theory : classic jazz harmony
Music theory resources to learn classic and jazz harmony - music theory : classic harmony : notation
- rhythmic terms : syncopation : measure beats
Rhythmic terms in music theory. Syncopation, measure or bar and beats. - music meter : simple metre : compound meters
Simple and compound music meter - tempo : metronome markings : music staff
Tempo and metronome markings in a music staff - dynamics : accents : common markings Common markings for musical dynamic
- musical colors : timbre : musical elements
Timbre and musical colors. - counterpoint : canon : fugue : countermelody
Counterpoint, canon and fugue in musical polyphony
- rhythmic terms : syncopation : measure beats
- species counterpoint : melodic inversion : contrary motion
Species of counterpoint - music texture : polyphony : monophony
Polyphony and monophony in a musical texture - music forms : musical analysis : classic harmony
Musical analysis and the main music forms - half step : whole steps : chromatic scales
Half, whole steps and chromatic scales - major scales : keys : tonal center
Major scales and keys in music harmony and theory - minor scales : natural melodic : harmonic minors
Minor scales and keys in music theory and harmony - music intervals : major : perfect : augmented : diminished
Music intervals and distance between pitches - harmonic series : music intervals : frequency
Harmonic series and music intervals. Harmonics on strings and brass instruments - circle of fifth : key signatures : staff
Circle of fifth and key signatures on staff - pentatonic : exotic : blues scales
Blues and pentatonic scales. Ragas and exotic scale. Hungarian, Arabian and music modes - music scales : diminished scale : chromatic
Music scales : chromatic scale, whole tone, diminished scale, pentatonic and blues - music staff : musical notation : staves
Music staff and other musical symbols - music clefs : treble : bass : moveable
- pitch : music notation : sharp natural flat notes
The pitch of a note in music notation - key signature : music notation : musical staff
Key signature in music notation - enharmonic spellings : music notation : keys : scales
Enharmonic spelling in music notation.
Music harmony and melodic concepts
- melody : music harmony : theory
Concepts about melody and harmony- melody : shape : melodic contour : melodies
The shape of a melody - melody shape : melodic analysis
Melodic analysis concepts - melodic phrases : classical pop musics
Melodic phrases in classic pop tunes - music themes : motifs : classical motives
Themes and motifs - classic harmony : harmonic analysis : accompaniment
Harmonic analysis and classic harmony - simple music harmony : accompaniment
A simple harmony for an accompaniment - parallel harmony : simple melody harmonization
Parallel harmony and a simple harmonization of a melody - independent harmony : accompaniments : chordal harmonies
Independent and chordal harmony in music accompaniments - triads : root position : chord inversions
Triads in root position and chord inversions - naming triads : major minor triad : inversions
Major, minor, augmented and diminished chord triads - consonances dissonances : consonant : dissonant intervals
- seventh chords : harmonic practice : added note
Seventh chords and added note chord. Learn to name all chords - harmonic analysis : music theory : naming chords
Harmonic analysis in music theory for naming chords - harmonic cadences : tonal music : chord progressions
Harmonic cadences and chord progressions in tonal music
- melody : shape : melodic contour : melodies
Jazz and pop harmony
- jazz pop harmony : learning improvisation
How to improvise in jazz and pop music- triad chords : inversions : triads : chord symbols
Triads and chord symbols. Inversions and positions of triad chords - seventh chords : extended chord : symbols
Seventh chords and extended chord - sixth chords : major : minor : augmented
Sixth chords and inverted major and minor chord. The Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords - suspended chords : sus4 : sus2 : chord
Suspended chords and their common resolution in classic and jazz theory - chromatic alterations : chords : added tones
Chords with chromatic alterations and added notes - chord progressions : jazz harmony Main music chord progressions
- triad chords : inversions : triads : chord symbols
Elements of music theory
- classic musical harmony : elements
Elements of classic music harmony- sounds : tones : vibrations : pitch
The pitch of a sound - octave division : naming tones
The division of an octave - different octaves : countra : marked c
Different octaves for music theory. Naming different octaves on a music staff
- sounds : tones : vibrations : pitch
Pop composing
- composing pop songs : compose jazz song
How to compose jazz and pop tunes- pop song : parts : structure : verse : chorus
The different parts of a pop tune: verse, chorus, bridge, and the middle eight. - compose verse : pop : jazz song : composing
Composing the verse of a jazz or pop song. - bridge composing : pop songs : compose
How to compose a bridge of a pop song.
- pop song : parts : structure : verse : chorus
Ear training
- ear training : absolute : relative pitch
Ear training for developing perfect and relative pitch. - perfect pitch : absolute : tone color
Perfect or absolute pitch is a tone color perception. - relative pitch : ear training : exercises
Exercises to practice relative pitch.